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The Ultimate BFCM Marketing Guide [2024] For Retailers To Boost Sales

Black Friday and Cyber Monday (BFCM) are two of the most important shopping events of the year.

For retailers, they’re a golden opportunity to increase sales and maximize profits.

But to capitalize on these events, a well-planned and executed marketing strategy is essential.

That’s where this guide comes in.

So, let’s get started.

What is BFCM week?

BFCM week refers to the week of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, which is a significant retail period in the United States.

According to the National Retail Federation, the BFCM weekend can account for up to 30% of annual retail sales.

Black Friday takes place the day after Thanksgiving, and Cyber Monday is the following Monday.

This week typically features big sales and promotions from retailers, both in physical stores and online, making it a popular time for consumers to shop for holiday gifts and deals.

Many businesses use this week to kick off their holiday shopping season with substantial discounts and marketing campaigns.

Key Dates for BFCM 2024 you need to know

The dates for Black Friday and Cyber Monday change every year as they are linked to the American Thanksgiving holiday.

However, it’s important to note that BFCM sales often start well before Black Friday and extend beyond Cyber Monday.

Many retailers start their sales as early as the beginning of November and continue through the end of the first week of December.

Here are the key dates for BFCM 2024:

  • Early Black Friday sales start: November 1st
  • Thanksgiving: November 28th
  • Black Friday: November 29th
  • Cyber Monday: December 2nd
  • End of extended BFCM sales: December 8th
2023 Holiday Shopping Trends results by Adobe Resource Center
This is 2023 Holiday Shopping Trends results by
Adobe Resource Center

Mark these dates on your calendar and plan your marketing activities accordingly.

The Ultimate BFCM Marketing Guide [2024] For Retailers

The Ultimate BFCM Marketing Guide [2024] For Retailers

As BFCM 2024 gets closer, having a clear checklist is important. This will help you prepare for the big shopping event of the year. The checklist will guide you step by step in your BFCM marketing plan.

Here’s the BFCM 2024 Checklist for Retailers:

1. Set Clear KPIs and goals

Before you dive into planning your BFCM marketing strategies, it’s crucial to set clear goals.

What do you want to achieve during this sales period?

Your goals could range from increasing sales and revenue, acquiring new customers, and clearing out old inventory, to boosting brand awareness.

Once you’ve defined your goals, you need to establish Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

KPIs are measurable values that will help you gauge your campaign’s success.

For instance, if your goal is to increase sales, your KPIs could be the number of units sold, total revenue, or average order value.

If your goal is to acquire new customers, your KPIs could be the number of new customer sign-ups or the percentage of sales from new customers.

Remember, your goals and KPIs should be SMART – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

2. Analyze Historical Data and Consumer Behavior Trends

Historical data and consumer behavior trends provide valuable insights for BFCM planning.

Take a close look at your historical sales data, especially from previous BFCMs. Identify which products were top sellers and which ones might need deeper discounts to move.

Analyze Historical Data and Consumer Behavior Trends to prepare for BFCM 2024

Understanding consumer behavior during BFCM is equally important.

Here are a few key trends to consider:

  • Consumers start researching deals and offers well before BFCM.
  • Online shopping has seen a significant boost, with many consumers preferring to shop from the comfort of their homes.
  • Mobile shopping is on the rise, with a growing number of consumers using their smartphones to make purchases.
  • Consumers are not just looking for deals, but also for a seamless shopping experience.
  • High-ticket items, like fine jewelry, see a surge in sales as consumers take advantage of the steep discounts.

3. Plan your inventory and supplier

BFCM translates to a surge in demand, which means you need to manage your inventory effectively.

You must ensure you have enough stock to meet customer needs.

Running out of popular items during a sale can be disastrous. At the same time, you also need to make sure you don’t have too much in stock, as it’ll leave you with dead inventory.

Start by analyzing your sales data from previous years.

This will give you an idea of what products are likely to be popular and how much stock you might need.

Next, consider your supply chain.

  • Can your suppliers meet the increased demand?
  • Do you have a backup plan in case of supply chain disruptions?
  • How will you handle shipping and fulfillment?

These are all questions you need to answer.

Speaking of which, we’ll refer you to a more reliable vendor: Nihaojewelry, who has published their Black Friday Wholesale Checklist for 2024.

So, plan ahead and make sure your inventory and supply chain are ready for the big day.

4. Optimize the User Experience

Your website is the shop window for your online business.

It must be ready to handle the increased traffic during the BFCM.

First, make sure your website is fast and responsive.

Slow loading times can frustrate customers and lead to abandoned carts.

Next, make sure your website is mobile-friendly.

More and more people are shopping via their mobile devices.

If your website isn’t optimized for mobile, you could lose a significant number of sales.

Also, consider the usability of your website.

Is it easy for customers to find what they’re looking for?

Is the checkout process smooth and straightforward?

These are all factors that can influence a customer’s purchasing decision.

So take the time to optimize your website and your mobile experience.

It could make a big difference to your BFCM sales.

5. Demand Marketing- Create compelling content

Creating compelling content for BFCM is a key part of your marketing strategy.

It’s not just about promoting your products or services.

It’s about telling a story that resonates with your audience.

This could be a blog post about how your products can enhance their holiday experience.

Or a video showcasing the benefits of your products.

User-generated content can also be very effective.

Encourage your customers to share their experiences with your products.

This can help build trust and credibility for your brand.

Remember that your goal is to engage your audience.

With compelling content, you can attract more customers and increase your BFCM sales.

6. Plan and execute email marketing tactics

Email marketing is a powerful tool for engaging customers and increasing sales during the BFCM.

It allows you to reach your customers directly and provide them with personalized offers and updates about your Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales.

Start segmenting your email list based on customer behavior and preferences.

This will allow you to send targeted emails that are tailored to each segment.

Here are some tactics to consider:

  • Craft Eye-catching subject lines to increase open rates.
  • Use Appealing imagery and clear calls to action in your emails to increase conversion rates.
  • Personalize Emails based on customer behavior and preferences.
  • Offer Foretaste your BFCM offers to create anticipation.
  • Send Reminder emails as the BFCM approaches.
  • Consider Offering your email subscribers exclusive deals.
  • Test Different email formats and content to find out what works best.

Remember, the goal is to appeal to your customers and motivate them to shop during the BFCM.

With effective email marketing, you can increase your BFCM sales and build lasting relationships with your customers.

7. Reach More Customers Online Before BFCM

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is crucial for BFCM. This can drive more organic traffic to your site.

Start by identifying BFCM-related keywords that your target audience might be searching for.

Include these keywords in your website content, meta descriptions, and alt tags.

But remember, SEO isn’t just about keywords.

It’s also about providing valuable content that answers your audience’s questions.

So, create informative blog posts, guides, and articles related to BFCM.

This can help establish your brand as a trusted resource.

And finally, don’t forget about local SEO.

Follow Nihaojewelry and read our articles for more business Tips & Guidelines.

Maybe this article can help you to reach more Customers Online Before Black Friday sale.

8. Leverage social media and influencer partnerships

Social media is a crucial platform for BFCM promotions.

It allows you to engage with your customers and build anticipation for your BFCM deals.

Start by creating a content calendar for your social media posts.

This will help you plan your posts in advance and ensure a consistent posting schedule.

For example, you could share sneak peeks of your BFCM deals, run countdowns to BFCM, or host live Q&A sessions to answer customer queries.

Here are some tips for leveraging social media for BFCM promotions:

  • Use social media to tease your BFCM deals and create anticipation.
  • Create engaging, shareable content that encourages your followers to spread the word.
  • Use targeted ads to reach potential customers who may be interested in your products.
  • Engage with your followers by responding to comments and messages.
  • Track your social media performance to understand what works and what doesn’t.

In addition to your own posts, consider partnering with influencers in your industry.

Influencers can help you reach a wider audience and increase your brand visibility.

They can share your BFCM deals with their followers, create content featuring your products, or even host giveaways to generate excitement.

9. Set up paid advertising and retargeting campaigns

During BFCM, paid advertising is an impactful method to steer specific traffic towards your website.

Platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads allow you to reach potential customers who are actively searching for BFCM deals.

To maximize your ad performance, craft compelling ad copy that highlights your unique value proposition and BFCM offers.

Use high-quality images or videos to grab attention and A/B test different ad variations to identify what works best.

Retargeting campaigns, on the other hand, allow you to re-engage with users who have previously interacted with your brand.

This could be visitors who have browsed your website, added items to their cart, or even past customers.

By showing these users personalized ads based on their browsing behavior, you can encourage them to return to your website and complete their purchase.

Remember, the goal of your paid advertising and retargeting campaigns is not just to drive traffic, but to convert that traffic into sales.

10. Optimize order fulfillment process

Efficient order fulfillment is the backbone of a successful BFCM campaign.

Reviewing and optimizing your order fulfillment processes well in advance is crucial to ensure smooth operations during the high-volume period.

Here are the best practices and tips to tighten up your order fulfillment strategy and further.

  • Streamline receiving processes so damaged goods are handled promptly
  • Combine orders with similar items to reduce picking trips
  • Maintain accurate inventory records to avoid stockouts or overstocking.
  • Automate processes wherever possible
  • Use order fulfillment software that integrates with customer service software
  • Use appropriate packaging materials to protect your products during shipping
  • Work with shipping carriers to negotiate favorable rates, especially for high-volume shipments
  • Send automated shipping notifications to keep customers informed.
  • Provide customers with real-time tracking information for their orders.
  • Make returns and edits a simple process
  • Address customer inquiries and concerns promptly and professionally.

11. Offer omnichannel support

According to a report by Khoros, 62% of customers want to be able to engage with brands across multiple digital channels.

So establishing an omnichannel support system that allows customers to reach out to you through multiple touchpoints, be it phone, email, live chat, or social media, ensures a consistent and convenient experience.

12. Prepare your customer service team for increased inquiries

During BFCM, your customer service team will likely face an influx of inquiries.

It’s crucial to prepare for this surge to maintain customer satisfaction and trust.

Start by training your customer service team on your BFCM deals and policies. They should be able to answer any questions customers may have about your offers, shipping policies, return procedures, and more.

Consider implementing live chat support on your website. This provides real-time assistance to customers, helping to resolve issues quickly and efficiently. It can also help to reduce the load on your customer service team.

Finally, ensure your customer service team is equipped to handle difficult situations.

Prepare your customer service team for increased inquiries during BFCM

BFCM can be a stressful time for both customers and retailers. By maintaining a calm and professional demeanor, your team can help to diffuse any potential conflicts and keep your customers happy.

13. Track BFCM results, plan and adjust follow-up strategies

During the BFCM sales, it’s important to analyze the results. This will help you understand what worked, what didn’t, and how you can improve for next days.

Start by reviewing your sales data, website analytics, and customer feedback.

Sales data can provide insights into which products were most popular, which promotions drove the most sales, and how your sales compared to previous years.

Website analytics can help you understand customer behavior, such as which pages were most visited, how long customers stayed on your site, and what the conversion rate was.

Customer feedback is also crucial. Listen to what your customers are saying about their shopping experience. This can provide valuable insights into what you did well and where you can improve.

After analyzing the results, it’s time to plan your follow-up strategies.

This could include sending a thank-you email to your customers, offering exclusive deals to those who made a purchase during BFCM, or launching a post-BFCM sale to clear out remaining inventory.

Remember, the end of BFCM is not the end of your marketing efforts.

14. Optimized transportation

Shipping costs are the most common reason behind abandoned carts: According to the Baynard Institute, 48% of customers will abandon a cart if shipping costs are too high, and 22% will do the same if the delivery time was too slow.

Collaborate with reputable shipping carriers and negotiate favorable rates for the period. Make sure they can handle the increased volume and provide reliable delivery services.

This step is when your team (or your 3PL) hands off the order to a transportation channel (for example, shipping carriers like FedEx, UPS, and USPS).

This is the step where your strategy most directly influences the costs your business incurs.

Shipping is deep into the process, but your shipping options greatly impact your incoming sales.

15. Be Prepared for After-Sales Service

While the primary focus during BFCM planning is driving sales and fulfilling orders, it’s equally important to be prepared for the post-sale period.

Providing exceptional after-sales service can make a lasting impression on customers and encourage repeat business throughout the year.

This session is applicable at any time.

Here’s what you can do to better handle after-sales requests and inquiries:

  • Develop clear and transparent policies for returns, exchanges and refunds.
  • Simplify the returns process to make it easy and hassle-free for customers to initiate returns, exchanges, and refunds.
  • Closely monitor all after-sales communication channels and ensure prompt responses to customer inquiries and requests.

16. Offer exclusive early bird deals

Provide exclusive deals or early access to loyal customers and subscribers.

Create a sense of urgency by highlighting limited-time offers or flash sales to encourage immediate action and drive conversions.

The takeaway? BFCM is a huge opportunity but also remarkably competitive.

You need diversify your offers, you both cater to a broader range of customer preferences and also provide unique offers for all of your different existing customer segments.

Another helpful benefit is that specific deals can also target slower-moving items, helping you clear out older stock efficiently.


As we wrap up this comprehensive guide, it’s clear that a successful BFCM requires meticulous planning, strategic execution, and continuous optimization. 

To sum up, BFCM 2024 offers a substantial chance for retailers to increase sales and optimize earnings.

With the strategies and tips outlined in this guide, you’re well-equipped to make the most of this shopping event. 

Here’s to a successful BFCM 2024!

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