The concept of part time work from home jobs is gaining popularity due to the ease of the internet.
People look for part-time, work-from-home jobs for a variety of reasons. Some need the freedom and flexibility that comes with part-time work.
Others want to balance work and outside responsibilities by turning their interests into paid labor.
If you love jewelry and are looking for a part time work from home job, then this is an article you can’t afford to miss.
Benefits of part time work from home jobs
There is no shortage of work-at-home opportunities today, whether working part-time or starting your own business.
Regardless of your reason, there are many benefits to working from home in the part-time jewelry industry:
- Flexibility. Flexible working hours where people can work when they are most productive and have a work-life balance.
- Turn your interests into profitable work. Use your free time to increase your income and find unexpected growth opportunities.
- Save money. You don’t need to spend much on professional attire, commuting, and eating out, thus reducing costs.
- No need to commute. Saves time on commuting, and a shorter commute has also been linked to reduced stress and improved health.
- Healthier: Working from home means more time for physical activity, less chance of getting sick, and more opportunities to eat healthier.
- Reduce your carbon footprint. By not having to commute, you emit fewer greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
- Provides wider opportunities for diversity and inclusion. Working part-time from home can increase employment opportunities for people with disabilities.
10 best work from home jobs That Pay Well
The opportunities in the jewelry industry are endless, enabling people to get involved in creating or selling beautiful items.
Whether you are creative, enjoy working with your hands, or have a passion for jewelry, the jewelry industry is the perfect place to develop a part-time work from home career.
Here are the 10 best work from home jobs that pay well:
1. Jewelry Content Writing
Jewelry content writing is an important aspect of any successful e-commerce business. He is vital in engaging potential buyers and convincing them to buy.
Whether you are an accomplished wordsmith or an accomplished editor, there are plenty of opportunities for you to sit comfortably on the couch and work away at the sound of a keyboard.
Many jewelry websites need to create engaging and informative product descriptions, blog posts, and other types of content that help brands stand out from the competition.
But they may not have the time or energy and would rather delegate it to someone else – like you!
You can get involved and get paid for it.
However, writing high-quality content can be very time-consuming and challenging, and you can follow Nihaojewelry blog to discover some of the popular topics that users care about.
In terms of working from home, this job could be quite good.
2. Jewelry Photography
Using their technical expertise, creativity, and compositional skills, photographers can produce and preserve images that tell a story or document an event.
You can make money with many work at home photographers.
Jewelry photography of items such as bracelets, necklaces, rings, and earrings requires specialized equipment and accessories suitable for macro photography.
The goal is to quickly create visually rich images that showcase a wide range of details, embellishments, and realistic colors.
All of this creative product photography can be done from the comfort of your home. So get on the couch and start working on your portfolio.
3. Video Editor
Currently, video content is becoming more and more mainstream.
People love everything from recipe videos to cute animals, and even jewelry sellers have started making short videos with subtitles.
Learning how to edit video is a perfect behind-the-scenes skill, as many businesses want to spend more time recording content rather than editing raw footage.
If you know how to edit, then this is an ideal work from home job.
All it takes is some video editing software like Final Cut Pro, Premiere Pro, etc., and some practice and you can become a pro at this type of work at home job.
Join this content trend by making videos from home!
4. Jewelry Design
Jewelry designers are fashion-oriented creative professionals who specialize in the craftsmanship side of the jewelry industry.
For anyone with a keen eye for color and design, working from home as a jewelry designer ticks all the boxes – freedom, comfort, and creativity.
Jewelry designers are the creative minds behind jewelry design. It requires a perfect blend of design, creativity, originality, and trend knowledge.
You will be designing patterns for necklaces, earrings, rings, and other jewelry pieces.
However, this usually requires a deep understanding of jewelry materials, etc., and using that knowledge to design beautiful, unique jewelry for manufacturing and sale.
Once you have sales of the jewelry you design, you continue to make money without having to do any more work.
If you are up for the challenge, this could be one of the best work from home jobs.
5. Handmade jewelry for sale
With people looking for more and more unique styles of jewelry, handmade crafts are all the rage right now and you should get in on the action!
Do you have the skills to make crafts but never had the chance to explore them?
Don’t worry, you can revitalize your inner artistic talent with a part-time work from home opportunity.
Whether you want to turn your passion for jewelry making into a lucrative business or you want to make some extra money, a handmade jewelry business is a great option.
Working from home doesn’t mean always sitting in front of a computer – try sitting in front of a knitting needle.
Remember to keep track of the time you put into the jewelry making process, not just the materials. Follow jewelry pricing guidelines to ensure you can make a profit.
One can start this business on a small scale with zero or less investment. Therefore, it is safe to say that there are a lot of opportunities in this field.
We have also written an article for you on how to start your handmade jewelry business with less than $100. You can’t afford to miss it.
6. Online Customer Service for Jewelry Stores
No matter how good a chatbot a website has, at the end of the day, it still needs human support to truly achieve customer satisfaction.
Customer service roles involve a wide range of skills, from technology and product development to providing customer support via phone, email, or chat.
Some large online business companies need to interact with customers across the globe in multiple languages, so localized online customer service is a must for them.
This is also why many online companies are happy to hire work from home customer service freelancers.
You can find an online jewelry company to work for with your passion and knowledge of jewelry accessories.
Amazon, for example, posts part-time work from home jobs regularly. You can also check out large job boards.
7. Start Online Jewelry Business
The lure of sparkling jewelry is always addictive!
Is it profitable to sell fashion jewelry online? Yes, wholesale resale of fashion jewelry in a variety of styles and at low prices is a great online business idea.
However, before you enter this dizzying world, getting high quality jewelry at the best wholesale prices is the key to your business success.
Here we recommend Nihaojewelry, a supplier with over 13 years of wholesale experience, where you can buy high quality jewelry pieces at 100% factory price.
Starting an online business and making an objective profit isn’t easy, but it can be a great work from home job.
If you want to learn more about opening an online jewelry store at wholesale prices, check out my tips here.
We have detailed knowledge and strategies on how to sell jewelry online to help you navigate the world of wholesale jewelry.
With this understanding, we are sure you will choose the right online business model for you.
8. Translator for a jewelry business
For the same reason as the online customer service mentioned above, some foreign trade companies lack localized translators.
As a result, they usually seek the help of local people to proofread copies and so on.
If you speak multiple languages, then this is one of the best and most profitable skills you can have.
9. Social media influencer
In today’s digital age, social media has become a powerful platform for content creation, connection, and branding.
At the same time, the role of social media influencer is emerging as an exciting and flexible part-time job opportunity.
Part-time work as a social media influencer involves utilizing your online presence and creativity to interact with audiences and promote brands, products, or services.
You can turn your passion for social media into a rewarding and flexible career.
No jewelry company feels like they’ve taken over social media.
When it comes to what companies desperately need, influential social media workers who fit their brand positioning are what they’ve been looking for.
Hurry up and take action!
10. Jewelry Cleaning
Every industry has after-sales and warranty work, and jewelry and accessories are no exception.
During daily wear, our jewelry often malfunctions such as losing its luster, becoming dull, or claws falling off …
Some jewelry companies find local jewelry repairmen in areas with a lot of customers to clean, polish, and repair their jewelry regularly.
Maintaining jewelry can be a challenge, especially if it is made of different materials. Care must be taken when cleaning and handling jewelry.
Therefore, this part-time job will usually require experience in cleaning jewelry, but some companies will also provide full training.
How to find part time work from home jobs
Knowing the 10 best part-time work from home jobs in the jewelry industry above, some of you will be wondering how to find this type of part-time job.
Congratulations! We’ve shortlisted 5 of the more reliable sites for you.
Of course, you can also focus on specific industry content if you have other interests that you want to turn into pay.
- Indeed
There are over 3,000 part-time work from home jobs available on Indeed. You can use the search filters to narrow down your job search on Indeed and find the right one for you.
LinkedIn is more than just a professional social networking site. It’s also a one-stop store for job seekers.
It’s home to 6,000+ of the hottest part-time work-from-home jobs in the United States. Under the “Jobs” tab, you can search for part-time work from home opportunities for all experience levels and industries.
- Ziprecruiter
ZipRecruiter is an online job marketplace that simplifies the job search process by allowing job seekers to easily search and apply for a variety of positions.
- Flexjobs
Looking for the best part-time work from home jobs? Start your search here. This site offers a wide range of flexible part-time work from home job opportunities.
- Upwork
A freelancing platform where individuals can find different categories of part-time work from home jobs and short-term projects.
How to identify if the job offering is real or fraud ?
Unfortunately, whether you accept it or not, all kinds of scams are often found in part-time work from home jobs.
So aside from selling handmade jewelry and starting an online jewelry business, before you apply for any other part-time job, make sure it’s a legitimate online job and from a real company.
You can recognize authenticity in a couple of ways.
- Check out their website. Browsing their products and customers helps to verify the authenticity of the company.
- Check out their reviews and the experiences of people who have already worked with them. Be careful when reading reviews as there may be some reviews where they glorify their business.
- Find reliable information online about the authority of the company.
- Be sure to find out ahead of time how you will be paid and how often.
- Avoid scams by talking to someone with relevant experience.
Tips for starting part time work from home jobs
- Allocate time for work. This is important because it must not interfere with the job.
- Work from home to make you feel comfortable. To stay focused, try to avoid distractions to increase your productivity.
- Before engaging in a part-time work at home job, it is important to fully understand the position and its requirements and to check for legitimacy and potential scams.
In Conclusion
With the advancement of technology, every industry offers a plethora of opportunities for part-time work from home jobs.
Hopefully, after reading this article you will be able to assess which potential part-time work from home job opportunities are better suited for you.
What other part time work from home jobs about the jewelry industry have you done that you liked better? Please share your work at home ideas with us in the comments below.
One Comment
Black Opal Ring
Very Nice Blog on Jewellery, your Gems are really good and unique. It helped me gain a lot of knowledge.